Nouvelle Vague is the first special issue of a series of special issues of Revue Trakt. This first special issue is dedicated to this second confinement. The artists taking part in this issue will take us on an inner walk through the experience of this “second wave” this “new wave”, through the works (all disciplines combined) that they have produced.
Nouvelle Vague is the beginning of a beautiful and great graphic, visual and textual adventure.
Is it the Post raw and Neo singular movement that is pointing the tip of its nose?
If you wish to participate in this special “New Wave” issue, register, participate by creating your works in a time limited to 4 weeks.
It is not a question of carrying out a challenge, but of leaving a testimony, of making people discover...
Art must be seen! Art must make people talk! Art is the very expression of life!
Take part in this special post raw and neo singular issue!
To participate, simply download the registration form, fill it out and return it with your image rights form by post or by email to